This Tuesday (14th June at 7.30pm Richmond Town Hall, Bridge Rd, Richmond) is the most important Yarra City Council meeting all year.
Residents will attend in numbers to:
Look at what the 2005/06 Budget has to say about the issues that concern them and what the rate, fee and fine increases are to be. Is there an alternative to the right-wing budgets of the Council majority? Read the SP literature on this available on the night and soon in your letterbox.
The child care crisis. Children and parents and carers and child care supporters will attend to force this crisis onto the Council's agenda. We need action not talk and surveys and sub-committees.
Banco in Smith St. What will be Council's tactics at next Fridays VCAT hearing? How can be best get the Minister to call-in this over-development?
Victoria Park. What is going on? Are the walls coming down or not - let the community know the truth.
Footpath trading. When are we to get our second footpath trading officer. Residents are fed up with excuses, robbing peter to pay paul tactics of senior management, and cost-cutting measures instead of providing resources to this key area.
New Code of Conduct for Councillors. Let's debate this latest attempt to stiffle dissent on Council.
* Many other issues - in fact there are three separate volumes of documentation for the night!
Let's continue to build participatory democracy on Yarra City Council! Come along and have your say. Don't leave these important decisions to the bureaucrats and Councillors alone.
Hope to see you there,
Stephen Jolly,
Socialist Party Councillor for Langridge Ward, Yarra City Council