
Joe Higgins in Australia!
Tuesday, August 10 @ 22:45:49 CDT
This Friday 6.30pm August 13th -
Commonwealth Hotel, 35 Union St, Cooks Hill, Newcastle NSW
This Saturday 3pm August 14th - Gaelic Club, 64 Devonshire St, Sydney
Then Tuesday 7.30pm August 17th - Irish Club WA, 61 Townshend Rd, Subiaco, WA
and finally
Satuday 1pm August 21st - Trades Hall, cnr Lygon and Victoria Sts, Carlton South, Melbourne
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Mother of all Nights! FAHRENHEIT 9/11 plus John Cummins
Monday, August 02 @ 20:22:54 CDT
Unite public meeting this Tuesday, August 10th, 7pm Trades Hall, cnr Lygon + Victoria Sts, Carlton South followed by a showing of Michael Moore's new movie, FAHRENHEIT 9/11 (gold coin donation).
The public meeting on 'Casualisation: Let's stop the rip-off' has the following excellent speakers: John Cummins, President CFMEU; Joo-Cheong Tham, legal expert on casualisation and industrial law; Gemma Pennell, Organiser NTEU and Green candidate for Federal seat of Melbourne; Unite's Greg Bradshaw.
The night only gets better - at 8.30pm come and see Farenheit 9/11 with us at Trades Hall. Drinks on sale. All profits to UNiTE.
Don't forget UNiTE soccer match fundraiser this Sunday 2pm Edinburgh Gardens, St Georges Rd, North Fitzroy
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Joe Higgins tour details
Tuesday, July 13 @ 19:17:24 CDT
Here are the details of the four public meetings to be addressed by Irish Socialist Party TD (MP) Joe Higgins during his August tour of Australia. He will also be speaking at union delegate meetings and at social functions.
Joe was jailed last year for his active opposition to the anti-working class Bin Tax and is one of the most prominent TDs in the Republic.
The tour details are:
Friday 6.30pm August 13th - Commonwealth Hotel, 35 Union St, Cooks Hill, Newcastle NSW
Saturday 3pm August 14th - Gaelic Club, 64 Devonshire St, Sydney
Tuesday 7.30pm August 17th - Irish Club WA, 61 Townshend Rd, Subiaco, WA
Satuday 1pm August 21st - Trades Hall, cnr Lygon and Victoria Sts, Carlton South, Melbourne
to check out the Irish Socialist Party web site
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Why I joined the Socialist Party
Wednesday, June 09 @ 20:03:18 CDT
By Chris McFerran, 32, East Melbourne
I’ve never been much of a one for doing the right thing, usually because it doesn’t occur to me at the time. I consider myself the Crown Prince of what I call ‘wit delay’, the ability to think of a highly amusing retort several hours after it matters. I often find myself re-running conversations I’ve had with someone over and over in my head, becoming more debonair, eloquent and suave with each repetition. In hindsight, I’m a regular Bogart. The most annoying aspect of this is that the older I get, the worse I become at not doing or saying the right thing at the time, and the wittier the replies are later that night when I’m lying in bed thinking, "Jesus, why didn’t I say that? Now you think of it, you moron." It’s generally a big pain in the arse.
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