Welcome to the Socialist Party Australia website
We are the Australian section of the international grouping of socialist parties, the Committee for a Workers' International
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French workers say ‘NON’ to the European constitution and the establishment.
Tuesday, May 31 @ 01:25:26 CDT
Report By Karl Debbaut, CWI.
"We’re voting no. It is a constitution for the bourgeoisie, for multinationals, for bosses. It is only about the economy, competition, profits, the market and capitalism. We are against all that; we are communists. There isn’t any progress for workers. Most workers want to say "merde", to stick two fingers up at them. We are fed up with saying yes to politicians".
Thomas Meurnier, a 32 year old history teacher and sympathiser of the French Communist Party (quoted in the newspaper ‘the Guardian’, Saturday 28 May 2005)
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''McJobs'' a Dead End for Young Workers
Sunday, May 22 @ 18:38:40 CDT
You can find us throughout malls, fast food joints, retail stores, and phone centers across the country. We're the ones who pour the coffee, flip the burgers, and offer savings on long distance phone service. We are America's youth, and we are increasingly trapped in dead-end jobs that offer low wages and no future.
By Canyon Lalama, "Customer Service" Representative, Member of OPEIU Local 12, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US
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Overall 563 articles, listed in 19 pages, with 30 articles per page.
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