What future for Socialism?
Wednesday, November 03 @ 05:09:00 CST
LYNN WALSH, editor of Socialism Today, British monthly magazine of the Socialist Party argues that socialism, far from being 'finished', will once again become the idea that guides workers and youth in the struggle for a new society.
From Socialism Today, issue one, September 1995
WHAT, TODAY, ARE the prospects for socialism? Many on the left, including figures previously identified with revolutionary Marxism, are now utterly pessimistic.
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We need $1000 for Council election
Monday, October 25 @ 21:43:30 CDT
The Socialist Party in Victoria is in the middle of important local Council elections. Already we are running the most effective and professional campaign the SP has ever done. 10,000 copies of our first four page full colour leaflet (see it on our web site) have been door-knocked or letterboxed. 2000 homes have been doorknocked so far. Soon posters and a second leaflet are to be published.
We are getting a warm response to our attack on the neo-liberal Green/Labor run Council and support for our socialist alternative. We have had a good run in the local media. We are looking forward the first of three debates, this Thursday, between the candidates.
The election has so cost the Party not a single cent. Thanks to $400 from ETU, $500 CFMEU (FFTS division), $100 Lorraine, $30 Llewella, $250 Erinn and Andrew, $400 Ian Cooke, nearly $800 at the election launch (including $400 from Nell). The rest has been made up with loans from Comrades.
We still need to raise $1000 and that will pay for everything. The costs include $750 for nominations, $2000 for the first leaflet, $250 for the business cards which are so effective during door knocking, and a great $2400 deal for the second leaflet, the posters, the how-to-vote cards, and more business cards.
We need all comrades and supporters to ask their family, friends, fellow students, and fellow workers if they can contribute $500 or $100 or $20 or even $5 for this special appeal.
Please email your pledge or any pledge you can raise from someone else to
You can also pay on line on our web page.
Stephen Jolly, lead candidate SP Left Wing Team for Langridge Ward
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Ireland: Ireland: Socialist MP, Joe Higgins, challenges Kofi Annan, UN Secretary
Wednesday, October 20 @ 03:45:54 CDT
The Irish government has set up an organisation called the National Forum on Europe which is supposed to allow more public discussion on matters related to the European Union. On 14 October the Forum heard an address by the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan who had come to speak about planned reforms to the United Nations. All Party leaders were allowed to address comments to Kofi Annan. The following speech was made by Joe Higgins, the Socialist Party TD in the Irish Parliament. Joe’s speech shows that the public representatives of the cwi do not pull their punches whatever audience they are talking to. Primarily they use their public positions as a platform to give voice to the anger of the thousands of working class people they represent. Annan, reflecting the arrogance of all diplomats and members of the political elite these days, did not answer any of Joe’s questions or refer to any points made in his speech in the summation given to the Forum.
Socialist MP, Joe Higgins, challenges Kofi Annan, UN Secretary General
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