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China: The Rising Force in our Region
Monday, November 08 @ 06:46:17 CST

Background feature on history of and current situation in China

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Indonesian Presidential Election
Tuesday, November 02 @ 18:27:54 CST

SBY gets the poisoned chalice
By Yorran Pakanakos

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East Timor: 5 years since the Australian-led intervention
Wednesday, October 27 @ 05:07:27 CDT

We reprint an article from the CWI and 2 from our party, then called Militant Socialist Organisation, on the East Timor crisis written in 1999.
5 years ago the Socialist Party stood almost alone against the flag-waving of the ruling class, its media, the ALP and union leaders, and the petit bourgeois left groups like the DSP who suppported the Australian military intervenion into East Timor.
We warned that this was undertaken not for humanitarian reasons but to strengthen Australian imperialist influence in the region. Today, the blatant exploitation of East Timor by the Australian elite, proves our point. We can proudly reprint our articles from 1999. Don't expect the left-wing groups who supported the intervention to do the same...

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China: Free the Liaoyang Two
Friday, September 17 @ 01:09:42 CDT

Yao Fuxin and Xiao Yunliang imprisoned for defending workers’ rights
The condition of two imprisoned workers’ leaders in China is critical. The Commitee for a Workers’ International supports an international campaign for their’ release.

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New Zealand: Are Kiwi Workers Really ''Better Off With Labour''?
Thursday, August 12 @ 22:14:26 CDT

By Tim Bowen
Time for the trade union movement and anti-capitalist left to stop bailing out capitalist politicians and fight for a real socialist alternative

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Indonesian Presidential election
Monday, July 26 @ 19:12:32 CDT

By Yorran Pelekanakis, Socialist Party Melbourne City branch
Two months after the April 5th elections for the Indonesian legislature Indonesians again went to the polls to directly elect the President. Like the previous elections ordinary Indonesians were left with little choice.

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Papua New Guinea: A socialist analysis
Monday, July 12 @ 06:59:24 CDT

By David Murray, Socialist Party, Newcastle.
As early as August, Australian troops will be deployed to PNG. It represents the latest advance by Australia as an infant imperialist power, as foreign minister Alexander Downer said, ‘It is one of the most important single developments in Australian foreign policy in recent years’.

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Is China heading for a crash?
Saturday, June 26 @ 08:15:19 CDT

Rapid economic development over 20 years led some commentators to claim China could deliver sustained global growth. But it has started to falter, and risks becoming a destabilising factor in the world. And the dramatic growth has created vast inequalities within this vast country.
LAURENCE COATES examines the state of the Chinese economy.

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Imperialism, Racism and Resistance in New Zealand/Aotearoa
Thursday, June 10 @ 20:41:53 CDT

Labour appeals to the spirit of "national unity" while waging war on workers at home and abroad
By Tim Bowron, CWI NZ

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Australian imperialists steal East Timorese natural resources
Monday, June 07 @ 17:43:39 CDT

Australia is getting its payback for sending troops to East Timor in 1999...
A socialist analysis of the Australia-East Timor maritime and seabed border dispute

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Indonesian elections: No workers' alternative on offer
Thursday, June 03 @ 01:14:32 CDT

As over 120 Millon Indonesians went to the polls on April 5th they were faced with a stark choice. Of the two major parties on offer was incumbent Democratic Party of Indonesia led by President Megawati Sukarnopoutri which for the past 5 years has failed to tackle any of the problems facing the ordinary people of Indonesia. The other major "choice" open to voters was Golkar, the party machine which supported the military dictator of 30 years, Soeharto.
By Yorran Pelekanakis, Melbourne City branch of Socialist Party

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Sri Lanka: Election to end crisis ends in new crisis
Sunday, April 18 @ 06:26:55 CDT

United Socialist Party (CWI in Sri Lanka) achieves record result
Last weeks General Election in Sri Lanka saw a record number of candidates, a record number of parties and a record number of voters. Still it failed to give either of the major party alliances a majority in parliament. The United Socialist Party (CWI in Sri Lanka) scored its highest ever number of votes in a general election and was referred to on the BBC World Service as "The emerging new left party in Sri Lanka today".

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New Zealand/Aotearoa: Beat back Brash!
Saturday, April 17 @ 02:44:20 CDT

How could it have happened? Don Brash the former World Bank economist and Rogernomics guru has suddenly started parading as champion of egalitarianism and taken the Nats to a shock 10% lead over Labour in the polls.
By Tim Bowen, CWI New Zealand

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Taiwan: Bitter struggle after election
Thursday, March 25 @ 18:14:38 CST

Cries of "stolen election", 337,000 spoiled ballots, a double assassination attempt and riots in the streets... Taiwan’s presidential election had it all!
Laurence Coates, Rättvisepartiet Socialisterna, CWI Sweden

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New Zealand: Socialism and the struggle for Maori Liberation
Thursday, February 12 @ 21:52:28 CST

Making Sense of the Foreshore and Seabed Controversy
By Tim Bowen, CWI New Zealand

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New Zealand: Alliance Party conference calls for ‘left regroupment’
Wednesday, December 17 @ 01:37:21 CST

Eighteen months after the left-wing Alliance Party in Aotearoa/New Zealand suffered a damaging split and the loss of all its remaining MPs in a snap general election, there are signs that the party is (somewhat belatedly) trying to reconnect with its working class support.

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Nepal's crisis: No way out under capitalism
Sunday, November 30 @ 20:13:21 CST

SINCE THE collapse of negotiations in late August, over 1,000 have died in clashes between Nepal's military and Maoist rebels. A weak ruling monarchy represses the masses in this impoverished and largely rural country of 25 million people. As HUGH CAFFREY explains, under capitalism, this beautiful part of the planet is a social nightmare for workers and the peasantry.

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New Zealand: Activists picket Labour Party conference
Wednesday, November 12 @ 16:59:32 CST

On Saturday, 8 November delegates attending the annual NZ Labour Party conference at the Christchurch Convention Centre were able to witness two strongly contrasting styles of democracy.
By a CWI correspondent in Christchurch

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East Timor: Fury as Australia plays tough over gas reserves
Sunday, October 19 @ 18:53:44 CDT

Australia's imperialist role in East Timor; includes amazing quote from Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. From Guardian, UK - 14th October 2003

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Australia's intervention into Papua New Guinea
Friday, October 03 @ 20:18:54 CDT

Howard acting in the interests of his class...

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China's interest in the North Korean crisis
Thursday, October 02 @ 20:56:06 CDT

By Greg Bradshaw, Melbourne City branch SP

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South Korea: The Tiger Strikes
Wednesday, September 03 @ 03:30:10 CDT

South Korea: The Tiger Strikes was commissioned by the Committee for a Workers' International to highlight the significance for the workers' movement worldwide of the dramatic events of December 1996 and January/February 1997. The magnificent general strike exploded onto the front pages of the international press just as a new year was beginning. It rudely awoke the world to the realities of the class struggle being fought out in the land once known as the 'Hermit Kingdom'.

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Indonesia: An unfinished Revolution
Tuesday, September 02 @ 22:45:03 CDT

Analysis of Revolution of 1998 and a short history of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and the counter-revolution of 1965. Essential read to understand Indonesia today

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Bourgeois analysis of North Korea talks
Saturday, August 30 @ 04:38:21 CDT

Greg Sheridan of the Australian newspaper (30th August 2003) analyses the failed six country talks on North Korea. He clearly outlines the cynicism of China's approach to their 'comrades' in Pyongyang,

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China: The Tradition of Struggle
Tuesday, August 26 @ 19:12:07 CDT

Greg Bradshaw, SP Melbourne City branch, looks at the history of China from a socialist perspective

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Unite campaign in New Zealand
Thursday, August 21 @ 23:24:24 CDT

Matt McCarten talks about the new Unite community trade union in New Zealand that is fighting for the rights of casuals and part-time workers.

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Solomon Islands: A socialist analysis
Thursday, August 21 @ 03:50:05 CDT

CWI on Solomon Islands - 20th August 2003 - read also SP's Denise Dudley's article

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Indonesia: Bali bombings
Monday, August 18 @ 04:24:32 CDT

sp writes "Two SP articles on the Bali bombings from a socialist perspective"

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Indonesia: Aceh
Monday, August 18 @ 04:22:01 CDT

sp writes "SP Australia explains the background and a socialist solution to the Aceh issue"

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New Zealand: Labour Government’s fake opposition to the Iraq war
Sunday, August 17 @ 23:40:00 CDT

sp writes "Labour Government’s fake opposition to the Iraq war"

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Overall 61 articles, listed in 3 pages, with 30 articles per page.

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