Text of SP leaflet at Newcastle anti-fascist rally
Date: Saturday, January 22 @ 18:53:27 CST
Topic: Socialist Party
A small neo-nazi group is trying to stir up race hatred in Newcastle. At a time when the vast majority of Novocastrians have demonstrated their genuine compassion for all the victims of the Tsunami, a tiny group of racists are trying to whip up hatred against the Sudanese community.
These neo-nazis call themselves the 'Concerned Citizens Collective' but The Herald reported on 19/1/2005 that they share the same postal and telephone details with another group, The Patriotic Youth League. The Herald reports that the Patriotic Youth League is 'accused of being involved in a racist campaign against international students at the university'. The Herald also reported the fact that 'several white students assaulted an African student in a bar..."
Amazingly the fascists are trying to claim that it is the Sudanese community that are 'running riot in our neighbourhoods'.
The fascists are only interested in spreading lies, fear and race hatred. These Hitler lovers hope that people will forget the carnage that Nazi's brought to Germany in the 1930's and 1940s. Democracy was abolished, and hundreds of thousands of trade unionists and socialists perished in the death camps in Hitler's Germany along with the millions of Jews killed in the Holocaust. Europe was also devastated as a result of World War Two.
Some people argue that fascists shouldn't be confronted, that this just gives then publicity. But this ignores the fact that people, often the most downtrodden sections, turn to fascist groups out of desperation. They see no other solution. We have to explain that there is a solution - campaigning for better jobs, schools, hospitals and communities for all - regardless of colour, race or religion.
The fascists must be stopped while they are small and weak. Huge mobilisations of working class people need to be organized to stop them each time they dare to take to the streets. Hitler himself said this was the only way the Nazis could have been stopped.
"Only one thing could have broken the (Nazi) movement - if the adversary had understood its principles and from the first day had smashed... the nucleus of our movement"
Hitler, 3 September 1933.
The Socialist Party will work with anyone who is prepared to take action against fascists or racists. We are for the maximum unity in action. But the Socialist Party will also campaign to answer the real genuine worries people have about jobs, housing, wages etc. A program is needed to create decent jobs and build better schools, hospitals, and communities free from the fear of crime. This means that the struggle against racism, and those who peddle it, must be linked to the building of a better, socialist society.
Today's demonstration against the far right has to be the start, not the end, of an on going campaign. A patient, determined campaign exposing the racists' false ideas must be undertaken in any areas that they try to build a base. If you are serious about fighting the fascists - get involved.
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