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Michael Franti Review
Posted on Thursday, August 21 @ 04:11:55 CDT by spno

Letters, reviews, comedy, miscellaneous Jimi Hocking reviews latest Michael Franti CD

Michael Franti and Frontline
Everyone Deserves Music
Michael Franti has become a cultural icon of revolution amongst a growing number of musicians who feel compelled to speak their minds about the current human situation.
Franti's past albums include the acoustic Songs from the front porch and Stay Human, an album dedicated to the abolition >of capital punishment and state murder. His new work is focussed on world >peace and the maintenance of love in this world of ever-growing fear and terror. Singles from the album include Bomb the World and Everyone Deserves Music.
Franti's revulsion to the US-Administration's nationalism and blood-thirsty capitalism is evident in his lyrics, "Love just one nation, and the whole world you divide" and "We can bomb the world to pieces but we cannot bomb it into peace" give a small taste of the calibre of this guy's passion for the people.
Franti's opposition to the war on Iraq and the war on his people by the same 'big corporations' has lead to his investigation and interrogation by the FBI and his name being associated with the 'resistance'. Do yourself favour, if you want to feel good and hopeful about our future as revolutionaries, give this one listen!
Available from all record stores and Michael Franti and Spearhead are touring in August.


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