Socialist Party Australia
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What message should be coming from ACTU re Howard's attacks?

Vote Labor in next election
Get Churches+politicians onside for media campaign
Organise a massive industrial response


Votes 121

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The London Bombings: A Marxist Analysis
Tuesday, July 19 @ 01:26:49 CDT

THE MAIN reaction of working people to the horror of the London bombings has been a mood of unity against terrorism. The strong sentiment shown by people to stand together must be the starting point for socialists.

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Rest of World

Review: Mao - The Unknown Story
Monday, July 18 @ 06:35:27 CDT

Peter Taaffe reviews Mao - The Unknown Story, By Jung Chang and Jon Halliday.
An exposé of the leader of the Red Army and the ruler of China for 27 years.

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Letters, reviews, comedy, miscellaneous

SP Newsletter No.94
Saturday, July 16 @ 01:57:27 CDT

Includes regional activity, what’s on, news links and more....

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Socialist Party

Mass movement against Arroyo in Philippines
Friday, July 15 @ 04:53:14 CDT

By Stephen Jolly
Medium-sized rallies are being organised on an almost daily basis in the Philippines with the aim of driving the pro-US President Arroyo from power.

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Our Region

1st SP Yarra Council Newsletter
Friday, July 15 @ 02:57:49 CDT

Below is the text from our first Langridge Ward newsletter (Yarra Council, Melbourne) It will be letterboxed to every home in the ward from next week. Email us if you can help with the letterboxing or help with a donation to the costs of this leaflet.
Socialist Party Councillor Stephen Jolly, Langridge Ward, City of Yarra. Langridge Ward covers Collingwood, Fitzroy, Abbotsford, Clifton Hill, Alphington and South Fairfield
Dear Resident,
Thanks for taking the time to read this newsletter. Since becoming the first socialist elected in Australia for many years, I and the Socialist Party (SP) have tried our best to represent the interests of residents, especially those who have missed out in the past such as young people and public housing tenants.

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Socialist Party

Taiwan and the right to self determination
Friday, July 15 @ 02:13:27 CDT

The CWI received the following letter from a certain “Mikawasima/Asian Trotsky” disagreeing with the article ‘China and Taiwan: Reunification or confrontation’ (published on a CWI sister website , 15 May 2005)
While the author’s name and political affiliation are not given (perhaps for reasons of security) we welcome this opportunity to discuss the issues raised and look again at the Marxist approach to the national question.

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Our Region

Malcolm X - ''You Can't Have Capitalism Without Racism''
Friday, July 15 @ 01:59:50 CDT

This year marks the 40th anniversary of Malcolm X's assassination. Only 39 years old at the time of his murder, Malcolm X would have turned 80 this year.
Hank Gonzalez takes a look at his life.

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Socialism & Marxism

London bombings and Iraq
Friday, July 15 @ 01:44:16 CDT

There is a huge wellspring of sympathy and solidarity – shared by the Socialist Party – for the victims of the London tube and bus bombings. The unspeakable horrors that have been visited on the innocent have produced a deep sense of outrage in London, throughout the country, and even internationally.
Editorial from the latest issue of the Socialist, newspaper of the Socialist Party in England and Wales

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Rest of World

Workers Charter meeting in New Zealand
Friday, July 15 @ 01:15:45 CDT

Earlier this month 50 leftists in NZ (from Unite, SWO (ISO in NZ), ex-Alliance, individual leftists etc) met to establish a Workers Charter movement as a possible stepping stone towards a new workers' party in NZ.

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Our Region

Class Struggle Erupts in Bolivia
Thursday, July 14 @ 03:09:39 CDT

Workers and Peasants Demand Nationalization of Oil Wealth
By Canyon Lalama and Alec Johnson, (Socialist Alternative, CWI - USA)

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Rest of World

Funding the struggle - We need your help
Wednesday, July 13 @ 02:37:43 CDT

Australian workers and youth are about to head into some of the biggest class battles this country has seen for many years.
Further attacks on workers rights, student unions and welfare will all be on the cards in the next few months.
The Socialist Party has a proud record of involving itself in struggle and we have pledged to continue this tradition in the next period.

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Socialist Party

United States: Organized Labor at a Crossroads
Wednesday, July 13 @ 02:08:42 CDT

The US labor movement faces an historic crisis. Real wages are falling for most workers. Jobs, skilled or unskilled, are insecure. Millions are losing their health insurance, and corporations are hacking away at pensions. Only 7.9% of private-sector workers are in unions, the lowest level since 1901. In total, 12.5% of all workers are unionized, down from an historical high of 33% in 1954.
By Philip Locker, Socialist Alternative (CWI-US)

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Rest of World

SP Cllr Stephen Jolly's monthly newsletter, July '05
Tuesday, July 12 @ 19:18:44 CDT

Dear Comrades
As the first of SP's six-monthly Yarra Council newsletters are about to be letterboxed in every home in the Langridge Ward (Yarra City Council, Melbourne), this email newsletter will simply report on July's Council meeting. If you live in the Langridge Ward see your letterbox for the newsletter, if not check out this website soon.
If you can help letterbox your street or even more (or make a donation towards the production costs).

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Socialist Party

The struggle against privatisation of Pakistan Telecoms
Monday, July 11 @ 03:28:27 CDT

The CWI replies to the distortions of the ‘Class Struggle’ group in Pakistan.
Readers of this website will be familiar with the recent telecommunications dispute that occured in Pakistan.
Below we publish a reply by members of the Socialist Movement (CWI in Pakistan) to material produced by some on the left in Pakistan on the question of the recent PTCL strike in the country.
By Azad Qadri and Khalid Bhatti, Socialist Movement Pakistan

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Our Region

What are Howard's industrial relations changes?
Sunday, July 10 @ 02:57:33 CDT

Whilst Howard has been very light on details in regards to his industrial relations changes, based on current material available from both the government and the ACTU, the Socialist Party has produced a broadsheet available in the July issue of 'The Socialist' outlining in broadbrush terms the changes that that the Liberals will bring in now they control both houses of parliament.

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Australian politics

What we need to do to defeat Howard's attacks on workers
Sunday, July 10 @ 02:52:57 CDT

The following is SP's contribution to the debate on what sort of program the trade union movement needs to adopt to defeat Howard's attacks.
From SP's special industrial relations supplement available in the July issue of 'The Socialist'

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Australian politics

Britain: Why we oppose ID cards
Sunday, July 10 @ 02:14:59 CDT

One of the reasons why socialists are opposed to terrorism is that it opens the way for capitalist leaders to use these attacks to try and justify the introduction of further repressive legislation and attacks on democratic rights.
Blair will most likely use the London bombings to try and force through the introduction of national identity cards (ID cards) and a national register which currently do not exist in Britain.
From 'The Socialist' Paper of the Socialist Party in England and Wales.

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Rest of World

G8: Meeting to defend capitalism at Gleneagles
Saturday, July 09 @ 02:19:14 CDT

The heads of the world's richest countries met in Gleneagles, Scotland this week. They were not there to tackle world poverty, however, despite some of the hopes raised by their hypocritical rhetoric. They were there, of course, to tighten their stranglehold on the world economic system.
Manny Thain, Socialist Party, Edinburgh

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Rest of World

Clarie O'Shea - lessons for today
Saturday, July 09 @ 02:13:41 CDT

The union movement if mobilized could force the Liberals to withdraw their Industrial relations legislation. The alternative to that proposed by the ACTU is to set out to break the class laws by following the examples provided to us by Clarrie O’Shea and Frank Belan.
Samantha Ashby, Socialist Party Newcastle

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Australian politics

London Bombings: No to terrorism – No to war
Friday, July 08 @ 20:26:14 CDT

Four bombs, three at tube stations or on trains and one on a bus, shook London during the morning ‘rush hour’ of Thursday 7 July. The Socialist Party and the CWI condemn these bombings and those who carried them out.
For mass united working class action against imperialism and capitalism
CWI statement on the London bombings

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Rest of World

Marxism Opposes Terrorism
Friday, July 08 @ 05:02:51 CDT

Many SP members and supporters have been shocked by the recent terrorist atrocities in London.
SP meetings around the country this week will be discussing the events in detail.
Below we have provided links to two articles written by Leon Trotsky putting the socialist case against terrorism which are of great relevance today.

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Socialism & Marxism

Why are some union leaders not prepared to fight?
Thursday, July 07 @ 21:53:52 CDT

Trade union bosses see themselves as the mediators between bosses and workers within the capitalist system.
By Gary Duffy, Socialist Party Sydney

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Australian politics

London Bombings
Thursday, July 07 @ 21:14:22 CDT

The Socialist Party condemns the bombings that took place in London yesterday morning. Such activities, no matter who was responsible do nothing to take the working class forward. We are currently preparing a detailed statement that will be available on this site tomorrow.
From what we know so far, it seems that no comrades or family or friends have been hurt.
Thanks for all inquiries.
SP National Office

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CWI - who we are - what we fight for
Thursday, July 07 @ 02:24:51 CDT

THE COMMITTEE for a Workers' International (CWI) is an international socialist organisation fighting for the interests of working class people and youth across the globe. We believe that it is the nature of the system that we live under - capitalism - which is based on profits and exploitation that leads to poverty, war and environmental destruction.

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Questions and Answers - What should we do about Howard's IR reforms?
Thursday, July 07 @ 02:16:27 CDT

Should industrial action be a part of the campaign to stop The Howard Liberal Governments savage onslaught against workers wages and conditions? Below are a sample of arguments and responses to this.
Taken from SP's special IR supplement available in the July issue of 'The Socialist'

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Australian politics

ALP - No alternative for workers
Thursday, July 07 @ 02:10:31 CDT

Labor's post election performance has been erratic at best as they veer between popularism and betraying their capitalist position. Still demoralized by their resounding election defeat, the Labor Party has proved totally unable to present a united front with conflicting positions being put forward at all levels of the party.
Article from July issue of 'The Socialist' By Erinn Sales

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Australian politics

A socialist voice on the budget
Wednesday, July 06 @ 04:12:29 CDT

The Socialist Party stands apart from Labor and Greens on the issue of the budget - the most important decision to be made on Yarra Council all year. Do we tick off on another neo-liberal cost-cutting budget (with millions still found however for the army of managers)? or is there a socialist alternative?
Regular column from Australia's first SP Councillor Stephen Jolly.

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Australian politics

Make poverty history - make socialism our future
Wednesday, July 06 @ 04:02:55 CDT

Currently hundreds of CWI members are in Gleneagles (Scotland) protesting at the G8.
Read our four page leaflet that we have been distributing throughout the event

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Newcastle workers rally against Howard
Tuesday, July 05 @ 00:23:29 CDT

On Friday 1st July 4,000 workers packed the Panthers Workers Club in Newcastle city center for a rally and demo, and another 1200 packed into a club in the suburbs.
Over $8,000 was raised for Striking Boeing workers at the Williamstown Airbase who have refused to sign individual contracts. Unfortunately the enthusiasm of these workers to fight back was not matched by their union leaders. Instead the ranks of workers from as far away as Gosford were “entertained’ by a highly stage managed rally, where there was no possibility to discuss or debate the best way forward.
Strike action was mentioned but only as a secondary action to convincing Liberal MPs of the errors of their ways. The one tactic that was greeted by some applause was the plan to “name and shame’ employers who tried to force their workers onto individual contracts.
Samantha Ashby, SP Newcastle

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Australian politics

Massive protest against G8 summit
Monday, July 04 @ 01:30:20 CDT

On Saturday 2 July about 250,000 demonstrated through the streets of Edinburgh to protest against the G8 summit which will be taking place later on this week in Gleneagles. It became the biggest political demo in the history of Scotland. The CWI was present with a very young and prominent contingent.
Kristof Verslype, LSP/MAS, reports from Scotland

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Rest of World

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