SP Newsletter No.94
Date: Saturday, July 16 @ 01:57:27 CDT
Topic: Socialist Party

Includes regional activity, what’s on, news links and more....

The week that was

Most of the media around the country and the world was focused on the aftermath of the London bombings this week. The Socialist Party too focused it's meetings on the issue. Some branches heard reports from comrades on the spot in London. As the bosses made the call to 'rally around the flag' we reaffirmed our position to both oppose terrorism and imperialist wars. Our thoughts and solidarity is still with the hundreds of workers that were either injured or killed, and also with the workers that face the terrible job of the clean up which is still taking place.

As SP uses this period to explain the causes of terrorism and war, Howard is using this period to send more troops around the world to further the aims of imperialism. Up to 150 elite Australian forces could be fighting in the wild border areas of Afghanistan within weeks after cabinet agreed this week to recommit troops. The Australian troops will be likely to battle resurgent Taliban forces and provide direct assistance to US forces on the ground. The US has suffered heavy casualties in the mountainous border region in recent weeks. If Australian troops suffer casualties in combat it could well bring the anti war movement back onto the scene.

Whilst international issues have overshadowed the looming industrial issues in Australia, we believe this will be only temporary. While the Howard government is spending millions of dollars of taxpayers money to run ad campaigns to defend their counter reforms, SP has launched a campaign to support a 24hour national general strike as the first step in the industrial campaign by the unions. We have already started doing street stalls around the issue and have been arguing the point in our unions. We will soon have a poster for workplaces and street paste ups, and will be organizing public meetings to launch the campaign soon. Check 'what's on' for details of meetings in your local in the next few weeks.

SP National Conference
SP will be holding its annual National Conference at Trades Hall (Melbourne) next week end, July 23/24. The conference documents will be distributed this week.
The agenda for the Saturday sessions is in the following order:
History of the neo-liberal assault on the working class (Erinn Sales)
Where is Australia Going? Report on economic, political, industrial and social situation from socialist perspective and discussion on perspectives for next 12 months (Anthony Main)
The role of a professional revolutionary; issues around the question of fulltimers for SP and our goals, strengths and weaknesses in the upcoming period (Stephen Jolly)
On the Sunday the sessions will be
The rise and rise of Chinese imperialism - what it means for workers in our region (Greg Bradshaw)
SP's Youth work and the UNITE campaign.(Kylie McGregor)
SP's Council & electoral work (Stephen Jolly)
Plans for SP for next 12 months, elections of National Committee, financial appeal, resolutions etc.
This is the most important meeting SP will hold all year therefore it is vital that all comrades attend. Also for NC members and trade union comrades there will be a NC meeting and National union caucus in the afternoon on the Friday before the conference (22 July). National Committee (1pm) Union Caucus (3pm) For any further details please contact the National Office.

Regional Activity


Melbourne City branch meets every Tuesday 7.00 pm @ Trades Hall Cnr Lygon and Victoria Streets Carlton. This weeks topic – Revolution and Counter Revolution, Spanish Civil War 1931-39 By Greg Bradshaw. All welcome

City Branch street stall every Saturday at Queen Victoria Market Cnr Victoria & Elizabeth St City 11.30am All welcome. For more info or to join SP in central Melbourne

Northern Melbourne Branch meets every Thursday 7.00 pm @ 3CR 21 Smith St Fitzroy. This weeks topic – Revolution and Counter Revolution, Spanish Civil War 1931-39 By Greg Bradshaw. All welcome

Northern Branch street stall every Saturday in Smith Street Collingwood outside Safeway supermarket 12.00pm. All welcome For more info or to join SP in Northern Melbourne

New South Wales

Western Australia

Please note childcare is available at all SP meetings but only by prior arrangement please call ahead first.

News Links just a click away

Review- Lenin’s life rewritten
Lenin by Christopher Read reviewed by Perter Taaffe

Iran - Iranian elections
Hardliner's victory stuns Western leaders By Lynn Walsh

Taiwan and the right to self determination
What attitude should Marxists adopt to the national question in Taiwan?

Get Active - Join the fight back, Get Militant - Join the Socialist Party
The Socialist Party is the Australian section of the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI).

‘Workers of the world unite – you’ve got nothing to lose but your chains’

This article comes from Socialist Party Australia

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