Stop Work to Stop Howard
Date: Monday, June 27 @ 02:01:06 CDT
Topic: What's on
June 30th is the last day before Howard takes control of both houses of Parliament. This will give him the freedom to implement his industrial relations counter-reforms.
Stop work actions and demonstrations will be taking place all around the counrty on this day.
The Socialist Party is calling on all workers and young people to stop work on June the 30th and attend the rally in your city. Read more for details of demonstrations in your area.
Also be sure to look for sellers of 'The Socialist' to pick up the special July edition with a 4 page IR supplement. Also on sale will be new "I'm Fighting Back" anti Howard stickers produced by SP
Thursday June 30, 12.15pm. King George Square, City.
Thursday June 30, 12.30pm. City Hall, Macquarie St, City
Thursday June 30, 10am. Trades Hall, Corner Victoria and Lygon Sts, Carlton Sth.
Thursday June 30, 1pm Geelong Trades Hall 127 Myers Street Geelong
Thursday June 30, 7.15 am Bakery Hill, Ballarat under The Eureka flag
Thursday June 30, 12 noon Perth Cultural centre, 51 James Street Northbridge