Mother of all Nights! FAHRENHEIT 9/11 plus John Cummins
Date: Monday, August 02 @ 20:22:54 CDT
Topic: What's on

Unite public meeting this Tuesday, August 10th, 7pm Trades Hall, cnr Lygon + Victoria Sts, Carlton South followed by a showing of Michael Moore's new movie, FAHRENHEIT 9/11 (gold coin donation).
The public meeting on 'Casualisation: Let's stop the rip-off' has the following excellent speakers: John Cummins, President CFMEU; Joo-Cheong Tham, legal expert on casualisation and industrial law; Gemma Pennell, Organiser NTEU and Green candidate for Federal seat of Melbourne; Unite's Greg Bradshaw.
The night only gets better - at 8.30pm come and see Farenheit 9/11 with us at Trades Hall. Drinks on sale. All profits to UNiTE.
Don't forget UNiTE soccer match fundraiser this Sunday 2pm Edinburgh Gardens, St Georges Rd, North Fitzroy

This article comes from Socialist Party Australia

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