Win for Metal Workers' Union members!
Date: Monday, July 12 @ 01:51:09 CDT
Topic: What's on
By SP National Treasurer and AMWU shop steward Anthony Main
Thanks to the people who attended the picket line at my workplace last Wednesday in Campbellfield. The pressure of the 24hr stoppage and an ongoing ban on overtime eventually saw the boss cave today.
The boss did however (as usual) try to paint the resolution as a compromise and not a win for the workers. We saw it a bit differently, he offered for the workers to trade away a divisive attendance bonus scheme for a concrete pay rise.
The AMWU members agreed to this offer saying that the scheme was full of problems, set worker against worker and rarely paid anyway. Good riddance to bad rubbish !! With this deal the members are guaranteed their money every week!!
This was a good first win for the workers on the job who have sent a clear message to management. They have now been forced to take us seriously on a whole range of other industrial and safety issues
Whilst the boss had offered a 5.8% increase to all workers, the end result was much, much better
Production workers - 11.3% (these were the lowest paid workers in the shop)
Welders / Fork drivers - 7.3%
Maintenance fitters- 7.0%
Thanks again for your support it made all the difference on the day.
Your in Unity
Anthony Main