Hanson in Jail Survey
Date: Wednesday, August 27 @ 04:10:43 CDT
Topic: Australian politics
Should socialists support the jailing of Pauline Hanson? Some say let her rot in hell. Others say she merely broke an undemocratic law that restricts the rights of small parties and that the major parties do much worse. Others are unsure. What's your opinion? Vote on our main home page poll...
The Socialist Party is discussing this issue. Next week both SP branches in Melbourne will be debating it out and the editorial in the next issue of our paper, The Socialist, will take up the issue. Come along to a SP meeting now to put your point of view and/or hear a socialist debate on the issue. Click here for information on meeting times and venues nationwide
Please note that all letters sent to us are on this issue can be found in the Letters to SP, in the Topic called Letters, Reviews, Comedy, Miscellaneous.