Unite action on May Day
Posted on Monday, April 19 @ 19:50:31 CDT by spno |
Unite has called a May Day Action on low pay and casualisation. More and more people are now talking about the unchecked rise in casualisation and the resulting problems of low pay, job insecurity and exploitation. Even Today Tonight this week had a special on the issue as well as articles this week in the Age.
The action will be near Borders Bookstore in Lygon St, Carlton. This mulitnational company pays their staff no penalty rates and an hourly rate of less than $15! They can and must do better. Let's express our concern with Borders greedy low pay policy as well as the presence of massive amounts of long term casuals in the Lygon St area. Details: 3pm Saturday 1st May, on Lygon St, Carlton, outside Borders (380 Lygon St).
Please note that earlier that day, the CFMEU are walking off the job to rally at Freshwater Place, Southbank at 1.30pm (near site of S11 protests in 2000) and marching to City Square in Swanston St. Please join this workers' May Day rally too!
Please pass on details of the MayDay Unite action on low pay and casualisation to all your email lists, friends, colleagues etc