Casual Workers' Conference
Posted on Monday, March 08 @ 23:18:08 CST by spno |
An impressive array of speakers are assembling for the Casual Workers' Conference, on Saturday 3rd April at Melbourne's Trades Hall, organised by Unite.
The Conference has three aims: 1) For the voice of casual workers to be heard and to make casualisation a mainstream political issue and debate; 2) To skill up casual workers on their legal and industrial rights and lack of rights; and 3) to begin the job of organising Australia's 2.2 million casual workers
Speakers include Greens Senator Kerrie Nettle, ALP Senator Gavin Marshall, and Democrats Sentator Lyn Alison.
Union speakers include the Victorian State Secretary of the Media Alliance, Pat O'Donnell and the CFMEU's Pat Preston.
Other speakers include Dr Liz Connor from Mothers in Intervention, left wing academic and expert on casualisation Lynn Beaton, Job Watch co-ordinator Zana Bytheway, as well as speakers from Wage Line, Unite, Young Unionists Network and most importantly from casual workers themselves.
There will be a VJ presentation at the start and live bands in the Trades Hall bar afterwards.
Conference costs $5 for the day, or $4 if you prebook.
Child care is available, contact us first for help.
Conference runs from 10am to 4pm at Trades Hall, corner Lygon and Victoria Sts, Carlton South