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A Fair Australia established
Posted on Thursday, August 21 @ 04:04:21 CDT by spno

Australian politics Victorian Trades Hall Council have initiated a new campaign to unite unions and community organisations in defence of basic rights

A Fair Australia is a new organisation pulled together by Victorian Trades Hall Council to see if there is the basis for unity in action by unions and community organisations. The first meeting was attended by around 70 organisations including Trades Hall, Brotherhood of St Lawrence, Islamic Council, the Council of Churches and the Ethnic Communities Council. Trades Hall Building Manager and well respected activist Jacob Grech told The Socialist that: "We hope to provide a forum for where all Australians can examine the issues of why is Australia less egalitarian and fair than it was say 20 years ago. We want to look at what this means for Australia, and the implications for Australia 20 years in the future if this trend is allowed to continue." The Socialist Party in Melbourne have decided to get involved in this important initiative. It is unique in recent times in that it is an attempt to pull together unions and community groups around, not just concrete issues like opposition to war, but on broader issues of opposition to the Federal Government's policies.


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